About Me

I was jaded and weary.

I had lost the essence of it, the simple truth that being a committed citizen is vital to living fully, because you have the power to protect and progress the foundations of society, the society that, like it or not, governs your existence. 

During the scattered and difficult years I recently endured, I lost the “how” of the political enigma: how is politics important and how can I be a part of it?

As much as I want to live a quiet, romantic, individual life there is no place for that in the present era. 

If I want to have those gentle moments in the trees of my backyard with my daughter, I must fight for them. 

she's the cutest.

Not with weapons or anger but knowledge, patience, and the democratic process. 

sittin' on capitol hill

This...this right now, this is my one moment in the universe; when the elements of my body have ascended to sentience, and I can use the power of my own sense of being to connect to others and build a future worth inhabiting.

Instead of praying and waiting for the heavens, I will choose to create and challenge assumptions, building new frameworks for managing, organizing, and enjoying life sustain-ably.

This website will be my foundation for growing the influence of my citizenship.

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