Thursday, December 12, 2013

Introduction to the Site

Here we are. 
The Millennials. 
The Generation Y yuppies.

This is what they think we are:

And they are right.

The baby boomers phase out, and we inherit their dying world.

No, you will not get to go there when you finally retire at 85.

This, however, is within your budget.

We choose to disengage from politics, the economy, and our future by generally just drowning ourselves in consumer culture, buying things to satisfy our discontentment with our lives. 

We don't have time to care. 

We work two jobs because unlike our parents, our jobs don't have enough pay, enough benefits, enough ANYTHING.

nickel and dimed.

We take out massive student loans, because that is the only option we have.

On top of our own debts, we have our parent's bills to pay; a looming debt, huge deficits, and a gridlocked political system owned by the old boys.

We've totally disconnected from our earth and our society, by plugging in. 

And we're okay with that, because we are still insulated from the effects of our decision to remain apathetic, because they have LONG-TERM consequences.

Air pollution...

China knows what's up...


Feed lots and antibiotic beef...



Garbage in our drinking water...

or no more drinking water at all.

You get the idea.

But now, if we make the decision to become active in politics, these future projections about our climate dying; the projections about growing inequality, disease, violence; and even the assumption our parent's generation makes that we simply cannot build solutions with long-term benefits (because we love instant gratification) ---  all of these things become whispers of a future that might have been, until we stood up and STOPPED IT.

Our grandchildren will read of our time in history, but only if we do this, because without taking action, nothing changes, and we are on a global path to total destruction - either through environmental damages, violence, or misuse of vital resources.

This will not be easy. But you will find you already possess all the skills necessary to making big changes...


PETITION our government and DO NOT GIVE UP when they say no the first time - do you think that women's suffrage and rights for minorities happened after the first sit-in?

PROTEST everything that is wrong and stand for the changes you need in your life and local community.

COLLABORATE with your friends and neighbors and start talking about what is wrong with the system, even if it is small, and brainstorm how to change it

And of course...
(just fucking vote, seriously, it takes about 15 minutes max)

Change won't come tomorrow, or next year, or in 5 years. 

But it will come, 
and it will grow as more and more 
of our generation recognize our inherent power to make the world we want to live in.

Spread the word.

Choose. Democracy. Now.